FAQ for Students
If you have a user account in our Active Directory, you can simply log in via LDAP with your user data.
If you don’t have a user account in our AD, an admin has to create one for you, the login is then done via “standard” authentication.
For more detailed information on a thesis, please contact the academic supervisor named in the topic description
Open topics for theses or research internships can be found on our website under theses or as a notice on the bulletin board of the chair on the 5th floor of Cauerstraße 7.
Open topics for theses or research internships can be found on our website under theses or as a notice on the bulletin board of the chair on the 5th floor of Cauerstraße 7.
For more detailed information on a thesis, please contact the academic supervisor named in the topic description
Open topics for theses or research internships can be found on our website under theses or as a notice on the bulletin board of the chair on the 5th floor of Cauerstraße 7.