Laura Cottatellucci

Prof. Dr. Laura Cottatellucci


Department of Electrical-Electronic-Communication Engineering
Professur für Digitale Übertragung

Room: Raum 05.037
Cauerstraße 7
91058 Erlangen

Laura Cottatellucci obtained the Habilitation from University for Nice-Sophia Antipolis (2015, France), the PhD in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Sciences from Technische Universität Wien (2006, Austria), and the Master degree in Electrical Engineering from La Sapienza University, Rome (1995, Italy).

Since December 2017, she is Professor for Digital Communications at the Institute of Digital Communications of Friedrich-Alexander Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) and Adjunct Professor (since March 2018) at the Dept. of Communication Systems at EURECOM. Prior to joining FAU, she was Associate Professor (July 2016-Nov 2017) and Assistant Professor (Dec. 2006-June 2016) at EURECOM. From January to November 2006 she was Research Fellow at University of South Australia, Australia, working on information theory for networks with uncertain topology and in INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France (October-December 2005). From April 2000 to September 2005, she worked as Senior Researcher at Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien, Austria, on CDMA, MIMO, and satellite systems. From 1995 until 2000, she was with Telecom Italia as responsible of industrial projects after specialization in networking at the Telecom Italia School for Advanced Studies Guglielmo Reiss Romoli (1996, Italy). She held visiting appointments at EURECOM (France- 2005), FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany, 2010), and NTNU Trondheim (Norway, 2005, 2007).

Laura Cottatellucci currently is an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications (since September 2015) and IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (February 2016) and served as guest editor for EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (special issue on cooperative communications). In Mach 2018 she received the award as best editor for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. She is an elected member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Signal Processing for Communications and Networking. Her research interests lie in the field of communications theory and signal processing for wireless communications, satellite, and complex networks. Her contributions in these fields are based on the application of mathematical tools such as random matrix theory, optimization, and game theory.












IDC is offering a seminar on "The Internet of BioNanoThings for Next Generation Health Care Solutions" this winter semester. Students from Bachelor and Master programs can apply for this seminar on the website of the Department EEI from September 23 to October 6, 2024. For more details, see the full post!

Kenneth Mayer, Amine Lahmeri, and Lukas Brand attended and successfully presented their work at this year's IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), one of the flagship conferences of the IEEE Communications Society, in Denver, Colorado, USA.

Robert Schober, President of the IEEE Co...

Amine Lahmeri and Lukas Brand won 3rd and 1st place, respectively, in the IEEE Communications Society's Four-Minute-Thesis (4MT) competition. The 4MT competition challenged graduate students to explain their research topic to a broad, non-specialist audience in just 4 minutes. In the preliminary rou...

IDC researchers Nikita Shanin, Hedieh Ajam, Vasilis K. Papanikolaou, Laura Cottatellucci, and Robert Schober have received Best Paper Award 2023 from the TAOS technical committee (TC) of the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) for their Globecom 2023 paper: “EH Modelling and Achievable Rate for FSO...

IDC offers several open HIW positions in the exciting new interdisciplinary research field of molecular communication.

You are interested? Then get in touch with Dr. Sebastian Lotter!

Our former colleague Nikita Shanin has taken the final step towards obtaining the degree of Dr.-Ing. On Friday, May 17, 2024, he successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Optimal Design of Communication Systems Based on Wireless Power Transfer with Non-linear Energy Harvesting”.

Nikita, who was supervised by both Prof. Cottatellucci and Prof. Schober, investigated and optimized methods of wirelessly transmitting energy to small sensors placed in remote locations or perhaps inside the human body to recharge their batteries.

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has approved the project "Innovative test platform for molecular communication and microsurgical training - fluorescence systems, novel prostheses and technologies" with funding of more than half a million euros for the years 2024-2026.

IDC molecular communication researchers led by Dr.-Ing. Max Schäfer contribute to this innovative, interdisciplinary project.

The advent of sixth-generation (6G) wireless communication technology promises significant advancements, with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) emerging as one of its key technologies. UAVs offer the capability to enhance coverage and bridge connectivity gaps in underserved regions, establishing line-...

Free space optical (FSO) systems, due to their large bandwidth and secure and cost-efficient data transmission, are considered as suitable candidates for next generation wireless communication networks and beyond. However, they require a line-of-sight (LOS) connection between transmitter (Tx) and re...